
Privacy Policy

SATO Privacy Statement

The Company believes that the careful handling and protection of the personal information it receives from users are critical responsibilities. We therefore handle personal information based on the following policies:

  • We will comply with laws and regulations related to protecting personal information and the policies and guidelines set forth by administrative agencies (hereinafter, “laws and regulations, etc.”).
  • We will report or announce the acquisition of personal information by specifying the purpose of use and handling the personal information appropriately within the scope of the purpose of use and the extent required by the laws and regulations, etc.
  • We will manage personal information appropriately by establishing an in-house management system, clarifying the sharing of responsibility and taking the necessary safety measures to prevent the leakage, loss and alteration of and unauthorised access to personal information. We will also take remedial actions promptly should any incident occur.
  • We will endeavour to keep personal information accurate and updated within the scope of the purposes of use.
  • We will respond in good faith to the requests of information owners to inquire about, revise, delete or cease the use of personal information when that request is received through the prescribed procedures.

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The Company will use the personal information of users for the following purposes:

  • Business communication
  • Performance of a contract (provision of goods and services, etc.)
  • Provision of information on goods and services handled by the Company
  • Provision of information on seminars and exhibitions held by the Company

The Company will clearly express the purpose of use in advance when asking users to provide their personal information. However, the Company may omit disclosure of the purpose of use in the following cases:

  • When receiving personal information at a meeting or through the exchange of business cards with a person in charge of the Company
  • When receiving a business card, etc. at an exhibition, event or seminar

In these cases, the Company may use the personal information to provide information on goods and services of the Company via email, unless the information owner refuses.

Use for Purposes other than the Above

The Company will not use the personal information for purposes other than the purpose of use clearly expressed to users, except in the following cases:

  • When the information owner has agreed to the use of his/her personal information
  • When the personal information is used in a state in which individuals cannot be identified, for instance when it is used as statistical data
  • When the disclosure of personal information is required by law or regulations

Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party

The Company may provide the personal information it received to its group company to achieve the purpose of use clearly expressed to the users. Otherwise, the Company will not disclose the personal information to a third party, except in the following cases:

  • When the information owner has agreed to the use of his/her personal information
  • When the personal information is processed into a state with which individuals cannot be identified, for instance when it is processed into statistical data
  • When the disclosure of personal information is required by law or regulations
  • When the personal information is disclosed within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use to a cooperating firm or a contractor that has an obligation with respect to the Company to maintain confidentiality

Inquiries about Personal Information

If an information owner wishes to inquire about, change or revise his/her personal information, the Company will respond to the user’s request promptly according to the prescribed procedures once the information owner contacts the Company using the method described on this website.

In this case, we may seek the cooperation of the information owner to confirm that the request is made by the appropriate person, to prevent the unauthorised acquisition and alteration, etc. of personal information by a third party.